images in the jit.matrix object can be ported to DIPS window using DIPSJitMat2DIPS
DIPS short history:
The DIPS was developed for Max/FTS first in 1997 by Shu Matsuda at Sonology Department, Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo. It was first presented in the international computer music world at the ICMC 2000 in Berlin as a plug-in software for the legendary Max family application ‘jMax’, and later ported to Max/MSP environment of Cycling '74. The first DIPS5 'DIPS5v1.01' was released in August, 2013.
Since 2000, DIPS is being developed by the DIPS Development Group supervised by Takayuki Rai. Current active group members are Shu Matsuda, Yota Morimoto, Takuto Fukuda, and Keitaro Takahashi. Previously, Chikashi Miyama, Daichi Ando and Takayuki Hamano also contributed to its development.